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Updated Information
To join the meeting on November 16, 2024 @ 10 AM please use the following information. The Bennett Run Bazaar starting at 12 PM to 5 PM.
Topic: Bennett Run HOA Meeting
Time: Nov 16, 2024 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 821 3803 5145
Passcode: 542110
Towing Information
If your vehicle has been recently towed, you can contact Silverback Towing at (717) 455-9771. They are located at 800 W. Maple Street in Red Lion.
Connect with your neighbors on Facebook
While the HOA does not have a Facebook page, nor is it responsible for any Facebook page, there are several Facebook pages that you can search for on Facebook to connect with your neighbors. Simply search for Bennett Run on Facebook and you should find Bennett Run Neighbors and others as Facebook sites that connect you to your neighbors. Again, please note that the HOA is not responsible for any content on any Bennett Run group you may find on Facebook.
Get Involved
Have you considered becoming a member of the HOA board, or maybe you would like to volunteer for one of the committees. If you are interested, please email
If you find that a street light is out, or continuously lit, please call Met Ed at 1-888-544-4877 to report the outage or issue.
If you are planning to do any exterior work to your home, plans MUST be submitted to the Board for review. Your application for Architectural Review will either be approved or we will ask for certain changes to be made in order to acquire approval. Failure to follow this procedure could result in a fine from the HOA.
Remember that in our community we have lots of children playing outside. Please be extra alert as you drive through the neighborhood and DRIVE SLOWLY.
Please remember not to park your vehicle so as to block sidewalks and driveways. This is not only a Township Ordinance but a courtesy to your neighbors as well.
Please clean up after your pets! Leaving pet feces on the ground is unhygienic and can be tracked into our homes. Be considerate and do not allow your pet to urinate on other people's plants as the urine will kill the plants.
Board Members
Joseph Souders
Vice Chairman
Annette Davenport
Sandy Hantz
Nakita Long
Joe Bartolo
Todd Miller
Tadas Liutkus
Complaints, Architectural Review, Assessments and Resale Certificates are distributed between the Board Members. Please use the HOA Forms button to submit the proper form and one of us will assist you.
Mailing Address:
Bennett Run HOA
P.O. Box 455
Manchester, PA 17345
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